Still Life Doves


The work explores the relationship between still and moving image in an attempt to captures the somber reality of confinement and the conditions of survival of living forms. In the work the presence of absence is captured in shadows and reflections of a single doves, sitting, resting, observing us as we observe them trapped within the frame.  The silhouette of a dove, has been recurring image in my paintings, video and photographic works closely connected to early childhood memories of handling the birds, which my father kept on the rooftop of our home in the refugee camp, for myself the birds was one of my first experiences of an/other, another living being different from myself, and is an image which lingers with me. The image of the bird also carries a weight of political symbolism, which I attempt to reference and strip at the same time through close of observations of the dove, who cast in the weight of its shadow inevitably accepts its confinement in a still life.


Tower of Babel


Still Life City